Wednesday, April 3, 2019: 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Quarterdeck (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
As the chemical processing industry evolves into the digital frontier, big data analytics and intelligent devices are transforming the way we do business and manage operational risks. Challenges faced in process safety now more than ever require innovative and multi-disciplinary approaches to problem solving that can turn complex data into actionable intelligence. We invite new research and industrial implementations of emerging technologies that have current and future implications to loss prevention in the chemical industry. This session covers a range of topics including advanced process decision-making, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, machine learning, as well as robotics, drones, autonomous vehicles, smart devices, and 3D printing. These next generation technologies will unlock our potential to bring science to safety.
53rd Annual Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS)
Elliot Wolf
Qingsheng Wang
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.
See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety