6 Kister Distillation Symposium 2019: Honoring the Contributions of Greg Shinskey: A Jubilee of Advances in Distillation Control

Monday, April 1, 2019: 9:30 AM - 12:25 PM
Jackson (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)

Thank you for your interest in this session. Please send Henry a copy of your submission or your intent to submit at Henry.Kister@Fluor.com.

Topical 8: Kister Distillation Symposium
Topical 7: 22nd Topical on Refinery Processing (T7)
Henry Z. Kister Email: henry.kister@fluor.com
Michael Pritchett Email: pritm1@bp.com
Keith A. Lehman Email: Keith.Lehman@EmpiricalProcess.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

11:05 AM

11:20 AM
(6d) The Forgotten Science of Distillation Control
Michael A. Taube and Isuru A. Udugama

11:50 AM
(6e) Controlling Trace Impurities in a Dividing Wall Distillation Column
Melissa Donahue, R. Bruce Eldridge and Michael Baldea

See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 8: Kister Distillation Symposium