152 Managing Yourself: Reinventing Yourself for Your Next Role

Wednesday, April 3, 2019: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Fulton (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)

Oftentimes, a new role signifies a promise of a new future but how often do you take the time to plan out that role to prepare you for your next one. These sessions provide ideas to help you position yourself for your next role. They also teach you how to recognize and articulate your transferable skills.

Management Division
Young Professionals Committee (YPC) (18C), Topical B: Leadership Development – Professional Skills to Catalyze your Career (TB)
Okiemute Sankey Email: okiemute.sankey@wacker.com
Quinta Nwanosike Warren Email: Quinta@EngrRC.com

8:00 AM
(152a) Workshop: Managing Yourself
Quinta Warren Ph.D., P.E., Okiemute Sankey and Donna Bryant
See more of this Group/Topical: Management Division