7 Extreme Weather and Other External Events

Monday, April 1, 2019: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Quarterdeck (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)

Site risk assessments are typically based on potential events associated with accidents at the site itself. However, there is increasing attention being given to the impact on operations from external events, including: extreme weather and other natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, etc.); sabotage (physical and cyber) from hostile entities; and hazardous events from neighboring facilities (fire, explosions, toxic releases etc.). Topics to be covered in this call for papers include, but are not limited to: prediction, modeling, layers of protection and mitigation of consequences associated with such events, as well as ways to engage the broader community in planning for their occurrence.

53rd Annual Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS)
Peter N. Lodal Email: pnlodal@eastman.com
Chaitanya Gottimukkala Email: chait.chemon@gmail.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

File available
10:30 AM
(7a) Analysis of Risk Due to Compound Extreme Events
Pat Harr, Paul Boehm, Josh Hacker, Bob Haddad, Harri Kytomaa, John Osteraas and Steve Sain

See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety