175 Revamps, Operability, and Reliability II

Wednesday, March 29, 2017: 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
304B (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Revamps remain an attractive option for maximum refinery profitability, whether increasing capacity, improving reliability, meeting regulatory requirements, or other factors. This session invites papers on all aspects of revamps, improved operability, and increased reliability. Topics could include case studies, general strategies, or conceptual analysis at either the plant or organization level. Industry, academic, and government agency submissions are all encouraged.

Topical 7: 20th Topical on Refinery Processing

Ellen Kloppenborg
Email: ellen.kloppenborg@honeywell.com

Ahmed Khogeer
Email: Ahmed.khogeer@aramco.com

Lluvia M. Ochoa-Estopier
Email: Lluvia.ochoa-estopier@processint.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

File available
10:45 AM

11:15 AM
(175c) Density Measurements and Thermodynamic Modeling of Two Crude Oil Samples
Ward Burgess, Isaac K. Gamwo, Babatunde Bamgbade, Hseen O. Baled and Mark . A McHugh