43 Fires, Explosions, and Reactive Chemicals II

Monday, March 27, 2017: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
217CD (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
The analysis, prevention, protection and mitigation of fire and explosion hazards has been important to the loss prevention community. This session invites papers that identify, characterize, or offer design and operational guidance with a focus on new, novel or cutting edge approaches to the subjects.

51st Annual Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS)

Delmar "Trey" Morrison
Email: tmorrison@exponent.com

Henry L. Febo
Email: hfebojr@comcast.net

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

File available
3:30 PM
(43a) Elongated VCE Blast Waves and Structural Damage
Jihui Geng, Thomas Mander, J. Kelly Thomas and Quentin A. Baker
File available
4:30 PM
(43c) Calorimetry and Thermo-Kinetic Modeling to Determine SAPT and Safe Shipping Conditions for Self-Reactive Materials
Min Sheng, Steve Horsch, Florin Dan, Robert Bellair, Marabeth Holsinger, Stephan Weinberg and Alan Sopchik
See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety