138 Learning from Experience – Don’t Repeat the Past
138 Learning from Experience – Don’t Repeat the Past
Tuesday, March 28, 2017: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
217AB (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Learn from Experience
In process safety, there are always opportunities for improvement. It is essential that the management of an organization seizes every chance to learn more about its process safety performance. To achieve excellence in process safety, the management team needs to routinely evaluate the organization’s performance and seek continuous improvement.
1. Incident investigation
2. Measurement and metrics
3. Auditing
4. Management review and continuous improvement
32nd Center for Chemical Process Safety International Conference (CCPS)
Donald J. Connolley
Email: Don.Connolley@bp.com
Hari Polaki
Email: hari.polaki@dnvgl.com
Bernard Groce
Email: bgroce@hess.com
Email: Don.Connolley@bp.com
Hari Polaki
Email: hari.polaki@dnvgl.com
Bernard Groce
Email: bgroce@hess.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.
See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety