73 Manufacturing Control and Reliable Operations

Tuesday, March 28, 2017: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
212A (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
The early days of process automation had operators controlling individual loops and devices from field control boxes. Operators today still control the same way, but now they sit in a chair in front of a computer workstation. In many ways, the only thing that has changed is the location and the number of loops one person can manage. Controllers have increased in power and capabilities but few companies have changed their automation to take advantage of these improvements. This session addresses process control work in terms of successes or failures; conversions and/or automation and developments or acquisitions among other topics in this broad field.

Innovative Manufacturing
Process Development Division (12), Technology Transfer & Manufacturing (12C)

Ahmed A. Youssef
Email: ahmed.youssef@sabic-ip.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

8:22 AM
(73b) Automatic Control of Polymer Molecular Weight during Free Radical Polymerization
Terry McAfee, Natalie Leonardi, Rick Montgomery, Julia Siqueira, Thomas Zekoski, Michael F. Drenski and Wayne F. Reed
File available
8:44 AM
(73c) Automatic, Simultaneous Control of Polymer Composition and Molecular Weight during Copolymer Synthesis
Terry McAfee, Rick Montgomery, Wayne F. Reed, Thomas Zekoski and Aide Wu
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 3: Innovative Manufacturing