481463 Up-to-Date Engineering Solutions to Estimate and Minimize Thermal Breathing Losses from Storage Tanks

Tuesday, March 28, 2017: 4:36 PM
304A (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Dr. Davide Moncalvo, Engineering, Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany, Dr.-Ing. Michael Davies, PROTEGO, Braunschweig, Germany and Dr.rer.nat. Thomas Heidermann, Braunschweiger Flammenfilter GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany

This paper investigates engineering solutions to estimate and minimize thermal breathing losses from atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks.

In order to estimate breathing losses, evaporation and condensation must be accounted for. Their impact will be shown for tanks containing liquids of increasing volatility. The authors remark that phase change in storage tanks is mentioned in the latest editions of API 2000 though no explicit calculation procedure is given therein.

Among the several strategies to minimize breathing losses the influence of wall thickness, proper choice of insulation material as well as advanced setting requirements of Pressure Vacuum Relief Valves (PVRV) are discussed. The impact of different setting requirements is discussed here with overpressure ranging from 10 %, as usually required for safety relief valves (SRV) on pressurized tanks, to 100 %, which is the most common feature for PVRV in the market. The experimental tests confirm that gaseous emissions are minimized by using 10% overpressure without compromising the safety of the tank.

With this paper the authors invite the readers to analyze thoroughly the behavior of the stored media and investigate also the economic aspects of the several strategies aiming to reduce the breathing losses to the environment.

Extended Abstract: File Uploaded