480833 Process Intensification in the B&p Littleford Plow Mixer

Monday, March 27, 2017
Exhibit Hall 3 (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
Michael A. Smith, Technology Center, B&P Littleford Day LLC, Saginaw, MI

Transfer of intermediates from one unit operation to the next takes time, space, and energy—and can be hazardous. Batch processes may be designed to minimize cycle time, capital expense, and operating expense by incorporating process equipment designed to handle multiple unit operations in series. Horizontal plow mixers, such as the FKM and DVT series from B&P Littleford-Day LLC, can handle operations from dry blending and granulation to interphase chemical reactions and vacuum drying of dough-like materials.

Several processes are reviewed, each with multiple operations performed sequentially in a Littleford plow mixer. The key capabilities of the Littleford plow mixer are outlined for each unit operation. The impact on capital expense, operating expense, and cycle time for each process is also discussed.

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