50 Distillation in Refining II

Monday, April 11, 2016: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
346AB (Hilton Americas - Houston)

The session will focus on improvements in design and operation of refinery distillation columns. The topics can include improved process and heat integration configurations, applications of novel heat and mass transfer devices, best practices for design, operation and troubleshooting refinery distillation columns.

Topical 7: 19th Topical on Refinery Processing
Topical 8: Distillation Symposium (T8)
Saadet Ulas Acikgoz Email: Saadet.Acikgoz@uop.com
Jayce Mathews Email: Jayce.Mathews@kbr.com
Daniel R. Summers Email: dan.summers@sulzer.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

3:30 PM
(50a) Rigorous Simulation of a Crude Distillation Unit with Heat Exchanger Network
Mohammad Shamsuzzoha, Rakib Mohammad and Mohamed Al Musharfy

File available
4:00 PM