195 Big Data Analytics – Vendor Perspective II (invited session)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016: 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
335A (Hilton Americas - Houston)

This invited session will focus on available commercial big data analytics tools/software for modeling and optimization of processes that can be applied in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food and semiconductor industries. Participants will highlight how these tools are relevant for extracting key information (from high-dimensional data sets) for continuous and batch type processes, where advanced analytical tools based on statistical approaches, data mining, optimization theory are utilized to identify the following tasks from data: (1) regression and forecasting; (2) process optimization (i.e. cycle time reduction, process understanding and troubleshooting); (3) fault and outlier detection; (4) clustering and classification analysis; and (5) visualization.

Manufacturing - General
Computing Systems and Technology Division (10), Young Professionals Committee (YPC) (18C)
Ivan Castillo Email: castillo2@dow.com
Chaitanya Khare Email: CBKhare@dow.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

4:14 PM
(195a) Data Science in Process Automation: Evaluating Economic Advantage
Greg Stewart, David Germann, Sharath Venkatesha and Marc Light

See more of this Group/Topical: Topical A: 2nd Big Data Analytics