107 Advanced Technologies for Reduction of Atmospheric Emissions in the Petrochemical and Refining I

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
337A (Hilton Americas - Houston)

Emissions from chemical petrochemical industry and refinery are closely related to their energy and material use efficiency, plant operating safety, as well as regional air quality. Significant benefits for industrial, societal, and environmental sustainability could be achieved via massive emission reductions. This session encourages the discussion on breakthroughs that have advanced, or will advance technologies for reduction of atmospheric emissions in the petrochemical and refining. Contributions describing innovations that help the chemical and refining industries comply with air emission regulations as well as papers associated with initiatives to reduce all possible emission sources are also encouraged.

Innovations in Process Research and Development
Process Development Division (12), Computing Systems and Technology Division (10), Topical 5: Emerging Technologies in Clean Energy (T5)
Qiang Xu Email: qiang.xu@lamar.edu
Jorge Plaza Email: jplaza@sabic.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

1:30 PM
(107a) Flare Minimization for an Ethylene Plant Shutdown Via Plant-Wide Dynamic Simulation
Yiling Xu, Ha Dinh, Song Wang, Fadwa T. Eljack, Mahmoud El-Halwagi, Sujing Wang and Qiang Xu

File available
2:00 PM
(107b) Statistical and Neural Network Modeling of FLARE Performance and Estimation of Controllable Parameters
Arokiaraj Alphones, Daniel Chen, Vijaya Damodara, Ajit Patki, Xianchang Li, Edward Fortner, Scott Evans and Matthew Johnson