75 From Biomass to Valuable Products I

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
337B (Hilton Americas - Houston)

This session invites studies related to recent process developments in biomass to fuels or chemicals from a sustainability perspective, technical and economical feasibility as well as special issues and challenges related to the chemistry, catalysis and transport phenomena related to these processes.

Innovations in Process Research and Development
Process Research and Innovation (12A), Process Development Division (12), Transport and Energy Processes (07), Topical 5: Emerging Technologies in Clean Energy (T5)
Trevor Zuroff Email: zurofft@gmail.com
Juben Chheda Email: juben.chheda@shell.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

8:30 AM
(75b) Biomass Conversion Technologies for Liquid and Gaseous Fuels, Chemicals and Materials
Esther Wilcox, Marc Oddo, Kristin Smith and Katherine R. Gaston