123 Toll Manufacturing of Chemicals

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
339B (Hilton Americas - Houston)

Toll manufacturing is one potential alternative for the manufacturing of chemicals for a variety of markets. Tollers can be used to produce specialty chemicals, high value add/low production volume materials, or to provide initial production capabilities for new chemicals and materials. Tolling capabilities are provided globally by multiple small to medium sized chemical firms, There are multiple factors that lead to a successful toll manufacturing operation. This session focuses on topics that include: 1. key considerations in making this type of decision, 2. help lead to successful toll manufacturing arrangements and/or 3. best practices at tolling facilities. Submissions that summarize best practices, case studies, and considerations for successful chemicals tolling are all encouraged.

Innovative Manufacturing
William Hollar Email: William.Hollar@sabic-ip.com

1:30 PM
(123a) Git 'er Done I - Fast Track Your Pilot Plant Projects with Tolling
Lori Pretzer, Mike J. Doll and Jonathan H. Worstell

2:00 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 3: Innovative Manufacturing