92 Careers in PSM Panel

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
371 A, B, D & E (George R. Brown )

This interactive panel discussion will bring an invited speaker panel to interact with the attendees and provide lessons from their careers. The career panel discussion will open with one or more accounts of personal recognition of the gravity of PSM.

5th Process Safety Management Mentoring (PSM2) Forum
Scott A. Haney Email: sahaney@marathonpetroleum.com
Nicholas N. Cristea Email: Nicholas.Cristea@smithburgess.com

10:15 AM
(92a) Careers in PSM Panel Discussion
Qingsheng Wang, Peter N. Lodal, Tim Mullowney, Kevin Shaughnessy and Lisa Long
See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety