77 Innovations in- and Next Gen.- Heat Transfer Technologies I

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
338 (Hilton Americas - Houston)

Heat transfer equipment/systems in chemical plants remain a key challenge in achieving safe, energy efficient and reliable operations. Some specific challenges include: 1. choosing the right type of heat exchanger for various plant applications, 2. insuring long term performance of the heat transfer system and 3. proper design, installation and maintenance of the systems. Towards this end, this session will focus on submissions that describe new heat exchanger design and technology, new applications of existing technology and case studies of improving heat exchanger performance in operating plants.

Innovations in Process Research and Development
Transport and Energy Processes (07), Process Development Division (12), Process Intensification & Microprocess Engineering (12E), Process Research and Innovation (12A), Technology Transfer & Manufacturing (12C), Topical 5: Emerging Technologies in Clean Energy (T5)
William Hollar Email: William.Hollar@sabic-ip.com
Sanjeev Desphande Email: sdeshpande@SABIC.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.