148 Advancements & Management of Hydrogen Technologies and Production

Wednesday, April 13, 2016: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
340B (Hilton Americas - Houston)

This session will cover all aspects of "The Hydrogen Chain" including hydrogen production, purification and storage. It will primarily discuss technologies that are new, alternative, or under development. Topics on improvements to existing technology are also encouraged.

Topical 6: 16th Topical Conference on Gas Utilization
Topical 7: 19th Topical on Refinery Processing (T7)
Sanjiv Ratan Email: sratan@technip.com
Mark W. Lockhart Email: mlockhart@burnsmcd.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

File available
8:00 AM
(148a) Simplifying Hydrogen Production
Diane Dierking, Peter V. Broadhurst and Ken Chlapik