105 Sustainable Technology Developments for Mid Stream Gas Development

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
344AB (Hilton Americas - Houston)

This session will take presentations covering a broad range of topics for the midstream gas treating and processing and NGL markets relating to sustainability technology development. Some potential topics include the following: market research & strategic studies, technology development & selection, economic studies, commissioning, start-up, and troubleshooting for gas treating and processing and NGL monetization, project management strategies, water and energy management, fugitive emissions/flaring reductions, infrastructure,

Topical 6: 16th Topical Conference on Gas Utilization
Young Professionals Committee (YPC) (18C)
Mahdi Nouri Email: mahdi.nouri@ch2m.com
Ted Heron Email: theodore.heron@gmail.com
Lance Wade Email: Lance.wade@oneok.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

10:40 AM