32 Process Research and Development for Industrial Sustainability I

Monday, April 11, 2016: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
338 (Hilton Americas - Houston)

This session encourages the discussion on breakthroughs that have advanced, or will advance green chemical engineering process development for industrial, environmental, or business sustainability. Papers from theoretical or practical contributions in all related areas are welcomed, such as technology innovation for environmentally benign manufacturing, process development for green products and sustainable alternative energy resources, emission reduction and energy savings, as well as the integration of sustainability analysis into process design and operations and supply chain management.

Innovations in Process Research and Development
Process Research and Innovation (12A), Process Development Division (12), Transport and Energy Processes (07), Computing Systems and Technology Division (10), Topical 5: Emerging Technologies in Clean Energy (T5)
Qiang Xu Email: qiang.xu@lamar.edu
Tom Enright Email: tom.enright@xerox.com
- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on the online proceeding.

1:30 PM
(32a) Incorporating Process Safety Risk in Design and Optimization of Hazardous Chemicals Supply Chain
Nitin Roy, Bin Zhang, Fadwa T. Eljack, Mahmoud El-Halwagi and Sam M. Mannan