40 Innovations in Managing Capital Cost of Ethylene Based Petrochemical Investments

Monday, April 11, 2016: 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Grand Ballroom BC (Hilton Americas - Houston)

The changing energy market dynamics can have significant impact on the economics of new investments, even in a cost advantaged feedstock scenario, as the cost of production curve flattens. Owners are under pressure from financial institutions and/or shareholders to improve the capital costs and efficiency. This poses a challenge and an opportunity for engineering and construction businesses to come up with design, procurement and construction approaches that deliver these mega projects cost efficiently and meeting the business objectives. Ethylene Producers Committee (EPC) of North America is planning to sponsor a session during 2016 conference in Houston (as a part AIChE’s Spring Meeting from April 10 – 14, 2016). This session will invite industry leaders to participate in panel discussions to share their thoughts and ideas for delivering these facilities cost efficiently. The session will be kicked-off with one or two presentations providing contextual background and to stimulate discussion."

Topical 4: The 28th Ethylene Producers’ Conference
Sanjeev Kapur Email: sanjeev@apexpetroconsultants.com
Gregory E. Yeo Email: gregory.yeo@gmail.com