444611 Design Method and Application for Diffusion Bonded Compact Heat Exchanger (DCHE)

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 8:50 AM
338 (Hilton Americas - Houston)
Koji Noishiki, Machinery Business, Engineering section, KOBE STEEL, LTD, Hyogo, Japan

The Diffusion-bonded Compact Heat Exchanger (DCHE) is a compact heat exchanger, and the demand for it is
expected to increase in applications for weight saving or those calling for a compact plot area, as well as for
use in floating plants.  Its heat transfer performance has been evaluated by comparing it with the conventional shell & tube type heat exchanger, and its strength and fatigue have been evaluated using stress analysis technology and fatigue test. This paper introduces the features of DCHE, design method and application for DCHE.

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