444602 Next Generation Phenol Technology

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 2:00 PM
344AB (Hilton Americas - Houston)
Robert J. Schmidt, Research and Development, UOP LLC, Des Plaines, IL and Jose Miramontes, PMT Business Management, UOP LLC, Des Plaines, IL

The Next Generation Phenol technology offers phenol producers with growth prospects and/or producers pursuing vertical integration of their refining & petrochemical assets via phenol to bis-phenol A to polycarbonate production a lower OPEX, CAPEX, and smaller footprint processing option. Economic advantages include a reduction of $21 per ton of phenol in net cost of production (NCOP), and at least a $19M increase in net present value (NPV) relative to current state-of-the art process alternatives. This is achieved by: 1)  a reduction in utilities of 10% using novel phenol recovery fractionation technology that integrates the Cumene-AMS and Crude-Acetone columns, 2) an improved cumene oxidation/ CHP decomposition design that reduces waste water by one half and produces higher phenol yield and reduced CAPEX, and 3) offers a further improvement in feedstock efficiency when combined with the Q-Max cumene alkylation technology using a new QZ-2500H high selectivity alkylation catalyst.

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