444423 Numerical Modeling of Cavitation Erosion of Stagnation Point Flow

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 9:15 AM
340A (Hilton Americas - Houston)
Mohammad A. Elyyan, 15915 Katy Fwy, Suit 550, ANSYS Inc., Houston, TX

Cavitation damage caused by bubble collapse in the vicinity of solid surfaces, called cavitation erosion, is a complex process. It involves complicated flow phenomena combined with the reaction of the solid surface material.  Several models have been proposed to predict cavitation erosion in hydrodynamic equipment, but limited number can be coupled with CFD.  In this work, we take a look at one of these models, namely Dular’s model, and apply it to a stagnating flow that undergoes cavitation.  Several parameters will be investigated, 2D vs. 3D effects, turbulence model selection, and steady vs. transient.  Comparison with experimental data will be presented.

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