444272 Thermal Energy Storage System Based on a Pphase Change Material for Automotive Applications

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 10:55 AM
338 (Hilton Americas - Houston)
Masahiro Kawaji1, Lin Xie2, John Burgers3 and Matthew Birkett3, (1)Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, (2)Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronyo, Toronto, ON, Canada, (3)Advanced Product Technology, Dana Thermal Products, Oakville, ON, Canada

A latent heat based thermal energy storage (TES) device was developed and tested for use in cold engine start up under cold winter conditions. 3.6 kg of a paraffin wax was used as a phase change material to store heat and a 15 kg aluminum block was used as a simulated engine block. A radiator coolant was then circulated between the thermal energy storage device and the engine block during the heat discharging tests which were conducted in a freezer kept at -15 to -20 degrees C. An analytical model was also developed to simulate the engine block heat up tests. The test data indicated that the TES device initially at 60 degrees C could heat up the aluminum block by 20 to 30 degrees C in 5 minutes. A sensitivity study conducted with the analytical model indicated the coolant flow rate to have the largest effect on the heat up speed.

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