444116 Impacts of the New National Ozone Standard

Tuesday, April 12, 2016: 8:25 AM
Grand Ballroom BC (Hilton Americas - Houston)
Rohit Sharma, LyondellBasell, Pasadena, TX

Now that EPA has announced a new lower national ozone standard, there will be potential impacts to all sectors of the economy.  This includes small industry, large industry, small businesses, large businesses, and potentially every individual consumer in the United States. This presentation will discuss the current state of the ozone air quality and the challenges to meet the new lower ozone standard.  Challenges for industry located in ozone non-attainment areas include lower major source thresholds and higher NSR offset ratios for permitting.  Challenges for state regulatory agencies include resources needed to address more non-attainment areas and addressing background ozone and international emissions contributions.

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