Chlorine is one of the most widely used chemicals in the world, especially for water purification plants near populated areas. So, if an accidental chlorine release occurs in a water purification plant, the damage would fatally spread to the residents and widely affect people.
In this paper, 3D model simulations are performed for a possible Cl2 leak scenario in the urban area of Seoul, South Korea where the population density is very high as well as numerous buildings exist near the plant in operation. FLACS is used to predict the dispersion results for the area whose size is around 5 by 3 km. In fact how precisely implementing 3D geometries is the key for successful 3D simulation. For that a methodology is suggested to rapidly implement geometry by importing CAD files provided by the South Korea National Spatial Information Clearinghouse, and processing it with another software. Finally, each FLACS simulation result was compared and analyzed with other dispersion modeling programs that do not reflect the real geometry.
See more of this Group/Topical: Environmental Division