442139 State-Based Control and the Value Delivered from the Initial Design through the Operating Life of the Facility

Wednesday, April 13, 2016: 2:30 PM
339B (Hilton Americas - Houston)
Tom Nolan, Engineering, ProSys, Baton Rouge, LA and Steve Bihl, ProSys, Inc, Baton Rouge, LA

This paper examines the attributes of state based control and the value delivered to manufacturing from the initial design through the operating life of the facility.  It examines both the benefits of improving a non-state based control facility to state based control as well as the front end loading of green field project with state based control incorporating instrument and alarm justification into the design process for improved performance and reduced cost.  Through knowledge capture and transfer into the control system this paper demonstrates how state based control gives essentially the best operator on the board performance all the time. The paper also examines how state based control enhances a traditional single loop safety system with a coordinated safety response.  The coordinated safety response manages all outputs of a given unit to a safe state.  Communication to other units allows them to remain at their highest state of readiness to return to normal operation reducing process interruption.

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