Air Products has a long history in process safety risk management. The company evaluates the risk of transporting hazardous substances to complement its risk assessment activities for fixed sites and pipelines. The CCPS Guideline book on Transportation Risk Assessment has been used as the basis for the Air Products approach to this subject.
Over the past few years, the company has refined its transportation assessment (TRA) methodology and calculation tools and has established a work process where the businesses and supply chains are integrated into the TRA process.
The purpose of this paper is to summarize Air Products TRA process including criteria for deciding if TRA is necessary, selection of release scenarios considered in a transportation accident, assumptions made regarding populations and weather conditions and the risk review process. Risk is evaluated based on societal risk curve and the integrated risk.
An example risk analysis will be presented along with lessons learned with the adoption of integrated risk as an evaluation metric.
Comments on the comparison of TRA with pipeline transportation risk analysis will also be made.
See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety