44 World Café: Energy Water Food Nexus

Monday, April 27, 2015: 1:30 PM
412 (Hilton Austin)
In support of our efforts to address society's grand challenges, AIChE and its Center for Energy Initiatives (CEI) has scheduled a World Café on the Energy Water Food Nexus during our Spring Meeting in Austin, TX. The World Café will focus on the global grand challenge of the Energy Water Food Nexus. The session aims to build awareness of the challenge and highlight the roles chemical engineering expertise can play in addressing the system integration challenges and technology needs resulting from the interconnected nature of global water-energy-food issues. This session has been planned by prominent leaders of international chemical engineering organizations. AIChE and IChemE are collaborating under the auspices of the World Chemical Engineering Council to help make this session a success. We hope to help address this challenge by identifying specific projects in which IfS (Institute for Sustainability) and CEI can participate.

International Committee

Dale Keairns
Email: keairns_dale@bah.com

Richard Darton
Email: AFurlong@icheme.org

Henry T. Kohlbrand
Email: hank4836@yahoo.com

1:30 PM
Welcoming Remarks

3:00 PM
Panel Discussion

3:25 PM
Summary and Future Plans
See more of this Group/Topical: Liaison Functions