2 Ethylene Plant General Environmental Session

Monday, April 27, 2015: 9:30 AM
Salon D-E (Hilton Austin)
General Environmental Session

Topical 4: The 27th Ethylene Producers’ Conference

Walter S. Postula
Email: walter.postula@shell.com

Richard Beleutz
Email: richard.beleutz@lyondellbasell.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

9:30 AM
Introductory Remarks
File available
9:57 AM
(2b) Use of CFD in Evaluating Pyrolysis Furnace Design
Bradley Adams, Marc Cremer and John Murphey

10:20 AM
File available
10:40 AM
(2c) Ultra Low NOx Burner Testing and Field Validation for an Ethylene Furnace Retrofit Application
Mark Viducic, Mike Claxton, Chell Chellappan, Erwin Platvoet, Marc Cremer, Joel Guillaume and Yong Wang

11:25 AM
Concluding Remarks