38 Process Development Aspects of Bio-Refineries

Monday, April 27, 2015: 1:30 PM
406 (Hilton Austin)
Significant Process Development support is required to succeed in constructing and commissioning a Bio-Refinery, such as determining product yields and quality for refinery economics; thermochemical modeling for flowsheeting; physical modeling for equipment design; physical property measurement of feeds, intermediates, and products for equipment design; determining product yields and properties for equipment sizing; kinetics testing for reactor design; and validation of materials of construction for resistance to corrosion from novel process streams. Topics in this session can include any of the foregoing in detail or can cover multiple aspects in general. Case studies of bio-refinery projects are particularly encouraged.

Process Research and Innovation

John Senetar
Email: John.Senetar@uop.com

Lorenz Bauer
Email: ljbill820@gmail.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

1:30 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division