16 Technological Advances and Their Impact on Process Safety

Monday, April 27, 2015: 10:30 AM
17AB (Austin Convention Center)
There have and will continue to be technological advances in equipment, tools and methods intended for use at manufacturing sites. Several notable ones of late include database driven software tools, advanced process control systems, new leak detection systems, and the increasing use of wireless forms of communication for maintenance, operator rounds, process control, and data communication. There are process safety lifecycle aspects that should be considered throughout the development, engineering and implementation of these technologies. This session is soliciting papers that focus not only on emerging technologies and tools but also on their integration and practical application at the plant and/or company level. Submitted papers should focus on potential positive and/or negative impacts on process safety. Consideration should be given to such items as management of change, hazard assessments, integrity management, control of hazards and integration with management systems as applicable to the subject.

17th Process Plant Safety Symposium (PPSS)

Sanjeev Saraf
Email: Sanjeev.Saraf@bp.com

Kathy Shell
Email: Kathy.Shell@aesolns.com

Victor H. Edwards
Email: m2vhe@att.net

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

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10:30 AM
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11:00 AM
See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety