43 What You Need to Know about Process Safety for Capital Projects

Monday, April 27, 2015: 1:30 PM
17AB (Austin Convention Center)
Management of Change programs are typically used in maintenance projects and expense-level projects to ensure process risk is effectively managed during the project. Capital projects, however, may present unique challenges due to the substantial increases in scope, budget, resources, operability and safety requirements, and timelines for implementation relative to the more-frequently executed expense project. Typically, capital projects also involve third party Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies. Such projects could also be designed for operation overseas, which adds complexity in terms of regulatory compliance and market demands of that country. All these factors, along with the stringent schedule constraints, can greatly magnify the complexity of the project, thus challenging the successful completion and execution of such projects. Operating companies often have unique programs or approaches to handling the challenges associated with capital projects yet, capital projects often run over schedule and over budget. This session seeks papers that explore aspects of process safety and/or process risk management from a cradle to grave perspective, in the capital project execution process. Papers which provide a compelling argument for a particular approach along with practical recommendations for implementation are of particular interest to this session.

17th Process Plant Safety Symposium (PPSS)

Katherine Prem
Email: katherine.prem@bayer.com

Yan Chu
Email: Yan.Chu@novachem.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety