401743 Prediction of High-Temperature and High-Pressure Dynamic Viscosity of Hydrocarbons By Van Der Waals Transport Equation of State
According to the review of liquid viscosity by Brush (1962), 1 “there is no general agreement on whether viscosity is essentially due to the attractive and repulsive forces,” but on macroscopic scale both viscosity and density are function of the thermodynamic equilibrium state of the fluid2 (therefore, they both surrender to the Law of Corresponding States 3,4) while on microscopic scale both properties reflect the effects of molecular motion and interaction. So, in accordance with the hypothesis enunciated by Phillips (1927)5 and later improvements by Little-Kennedy (1966)6 and Lawal (1986), 7 a method is established for predicting Newtonian viscosity or dynamic viscosity (η) over the entire PVT states of single-phase fluids such as polar and nonpolar substances, hydrocarbon, non-hydrocarbon, petroleum fractions and high-molecular-weight-fluids of the type currently being measured for high-temperature and high-pressure (HTHP) deep-water formations 8-17 and carbon dioxide sequestration.
By using the1986 formalism of the Viscosity Equation of State (VEOS) development, the VEOS technique is designed on the basis of the phenomenological similarity between PVT and TηP spinodal graphs and is solely depended on accurate critical viscosity of pure substances. There is no resorting to the judicious choice of liquid density correlation or any volumetric properties because the coexistence gas-liquid viscosities, the dilute-gas viscosity, the dense and supercritical fluid viscosities are based on the four-parameter cubic equation of state7 which is valid over the entire PVT states, include the vapor-liquid critical point.
The VEOS is validated by the prediction of accurate coexistence gas-liquid viscosities over the entire PVT states of pure substances, including polar and nonpolar substances, inert gases (Argon, Helium, Xenon), hydrocarbons of high-molecular-weights and non-hydrocarbons (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide) and liquid viscosity of very viscous fluids.
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