396910 Facilty Siting Challenges

Monday, April 27, 2015
Exhibit Hall 5 (Austin Convention Center)
Sam Sanati, APEGA, Calgary, AB, Canada

Advancing in construction methodology and minimizing footprint of process area in the recent years requires more focus on process safety and facility siting.   Previously, most of the engineering companies used spacing table to define the distances between occupied building and source of hazard.

Conducting performance and risk  based studies to place the occupied buildings in a safe location is of a great importance.    In addition, identifying buildings containing safety critical element (SCE) requires further investigation to ensure the process will not be interrupted in any event that might impact the building.  Consequence and Risk analyses  ensure that the risk to these buildings is mitigated to ALARP ( As Low As Reasonably Practicable).

Atkins Consulting Canada Ltd. has developed a method to apply  process safety studies (HAZID, Consequence Modeling, QRA ,etc) in facility siting and equipment arrangement.

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