140 Enabling Process Innovation Through Computation-EPIC - Session II

Wednesday, April 2, 2014: 1:30 PM
Eglinton Winton (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
This session will focus on the use of advanced multiphase flow simulations that can offer unique insight into the complex processes involved in the energy recovery processes under subsurface conditions such as enhanced oil recovery, fracking processes. Such insight can be used to conceive, design, and implement new generations of recovery strategies for achieving order of magnitude improvement in energy recovery efficiencies, saving significant amount of energy consumed in these operations. The goals of this sessions are to review the current state of the art and bring together practitioners from industries, developers of such advanced simulation tools, as well researchers from Universities and government laboratories to assess the current status, share common experiences on strengths and weaknesses of such tools.

Topical Five: Emerging Technologies in Clean Energy for the Twenty-First Century
Transport and Energy Processes (07), Sustainable Engineering Forum (23)

Krishnaswamy Nandakumar
Email: nandakumar@lsu.edu

Mayank Tyagi
Email: mtyagi@lsu.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
2:00 PM
(140b) Hydrodynamics of Polyolefin Slurry Loop Reactor: CFD Analysis
Rupesh K. Reddy, Ratnesh Tiwari, Sameer Vijay and Nandakumar K

3:00 PM

4:00 PM