144 You May Be Liable

Wednesday, April 2, 2014: 2:00 PM
Norwich (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
In the performance of chemical engineering, one can be subjected to professional liability or "malpractice" for negligence in engineering, as well as personal liability for intentional or negligent acts that may trigger civil and/or criminal liability. With this session, invited panelists will review the parameters of professional, civil and criminal liability in scenarios familiar to chemical engineers and legal authorities in context in which liability can arise, where your employer may provide a safe harbor, and steps to avoid liability.
Management Division (05), Environmental Division (09), Safety and Health Division (11), Process Development Division (12), Product Design (12G), Chemical Engineering & the Law Forum (24)

Joseph Cramer
Email: josec@aiche.org

Diana Matonis
Email: dmatonis@flucomp.com

Heath Briggs
Email: BriggsH@gtlaw.com

Mary Ellen Ternes
Email: maryellen.ternes@mcafeetaft.com

See more of this Group/Topical: Chemical Engineering & the Law Forum