16 Applying LOPA in Practice

Monday, March 31, 2014: 1:30 PM
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) has become a popular risk assessment tool since an early methodology was published in the 1993 CCPS publication, Guidelines for Safe Automation of Chemical Processes[i]. Since that publication, much has been learned regarding the practical application of LOPA at both the corporate and plant level. This session solicits papers which detail experiences and/or best practices for LOPA application. Examples may include supplementary techniques used to enhance or strengthen LOPA, how LOPA is used to make management decisions, how LOPA is used in the management of change process, and how LOPA affects implementation of Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices. Papers may also detail challenges regarding consistency in LOPA studies across multiple facilities, consideration of the appropriate risk tolerance criteria and choosing a methodology for LOPA revalidation. The goal of this session is to aid practitioners in their use of this powerful and popular tool. [1] CCPS (1993), Guidelines for Safe Automation of Chemical Processes, New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Center for Chemical Process Safety.

16th Process Plant Safety Symposium (PPSS)

John F. Murphy
Email: hamjfm@embarqmail.com

Chad Schaffer
Email: cschaffer@burnsmcd.com

See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety