35 Advanced Heat Transfer Processes

Monday, March 31, 2014: 2:00 PM
Eglinton Winton (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
This session welcomes papers related to the implementation of advanced heat transfer processes in energy, processing, and environmental applications. Some examples of advanced heat transfer processes include boiling, evaporation, condensation, thermal storage, thermosyphons, heat pipes, fluidization, heat exchanger design, impingement cooling, radiation, etc. Some possible applications include fuel cells, chemical reactors, separation, carbon dioxide sequestration and storage, cryogenic processing, waste heat recovery, materials processing, renewable energy, solar, etc. Fundamental heat transfer papers related to core chemical engineering applications but not specifically addressing application development are also highly encouraged. Papers presented in this session are eligible for the TEP Division best paper award.

Topical Five: Emerging Technologies in Clean Energy for the Twenty-First Century
Transport and Energy Processes (07), Sustainable Engineering Forum (23)

Richard Bonner
Email: Richard.Bonner@1-act.com

Howard Pearlman
Email: Howard.Pearlman@1-act.com