82 Advances in Distillation Process Modeling and Energy Efficiency

Tuesday, April 1, 2014: 1:30 PM
Jefferson Ballroom (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
This session will focus on efforts to improve distillation processes to achieve a sustainable, greener future.

Topical 8: Distillation Topical Conference

Zarko Olujic
Email: z.olujic@tudelft.nl

Anand N. Vennavelli
Email: vennavelli@fri.org

Nicholas F. Urbanski
Email: sepdivarea2a@aol.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

1:35 PM

2:00 PM
(82b) More Operable Dividing Wall Columns
Gautham Madenoor Ramapriya and Rakesh Agrawal

2:25 PM
(82c) Dividing Wall Column as Energy Saving Retrofit Technology
Igor Dejanovic, Helmut Jansen and Zarko Olujic

3:15 PM
File available
3:30 PM
(82e) Parallelization Opportunities in Distillation Calculations
Ronald W Bondy, David Bluck and Srividya Gummadi

4:20 PM
Tomography Gamma-Scan Applications for Packed Towers
Lowell Pless and Gregory A. Cantley
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 8: Distillation Symposium