353054 Achieving Environmental Compliance through Proper Destruction Efficiency of Multi-Tip Low-Profile (MTLP) Flare Systems

Wednesday, April 2, 2014: 8:00 AM
Newberry (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
Joseph Smith, Systems Analyses and Solutions, Inc., Owasso, OK and Scot Smith, Zeeco, Inc., Broken Arrow, OK

As environmental regulations evolve, petrochemical facilities must remain aware and adapt to the requirements of the current regulatory environment. To ensure environmental compliance, the proper design of multi-tip low profile (MTLP) flare systems is critical for achieving proper volatile organic compound (VOC) destruction efficiency.  The MTLP flare system is responsible for safely and efficiently combusting very large amounts of flammable gases during plant upsets and it must perform its designed function in an environmentally acceptable manner. A flare operating at less than peak efficiency typically will not perform to the design criteria, and could potentially vent unburned hydrocarbons.

Large low-profile flare fields pose significant design challenges including elongated flames, air supply to inner burner tips, and high radiation flux to the surrounding wind fence. To ensure the best design, MTLP flares have been analyzed using advanced CFD modeling techniques. Validation of the CFD tool has been used to confirm the accuracy of the modeling results.  The validated CFD tool has been used to evaluate MTLP flare designs to ensure proper destruction efficiency and effective operation.

Zeeco in conjunction with Systems Analyses and Solutions will review proper MTLP flare design considerations and present several examples of where CFD has been used to analyze proper operation and destruction efficiency.

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