352658 Marine Desalination by Solar Radiation

Wednesday, April 2, 2014: 10:45 AM
Melrose (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
Gabriel Camargo, Ingenieria Mecanica, Universidad Libre, Bogota, Colombia and Andres Sastoque, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSIDAD LIBRE, Bogota, Colombia

Marine Desalination by solar radiation

This project is based on the manufacture of a dome that allows the collection of water with zero ppm of salt which means that it is fit for human consumption. The idea is obtain it from seawater which contains 30000 to 40000 ppm. To get this goal is necessary to design different prototypes, which have a priority system efficiency and manufacturing cost, other important aspects are the easy implementation and cost-effectiveness that would have to implement that component near the coast to provide drinking water to populations that are in rural areas of Colombia. As a first step to begin the project, we conducted a distillation through a hot plate sy analytics, whose main result was outstanding efficiency, although the losses were higher leave the system as for example in the cooling system use of water to cool vs the pure water obtained  had a relationship almost 88948.8054ml to 68 ml. From this we deduced that left many losses in the system cooling system and spending power, existing or being able to apply another type of energy source.

As a second test a device designed to simulate incandescent bulbs with solar radiation scale and that it was the energy source of the system. The results that  gave us this process were: it is vital to isolate the place where I have stored the seawater sample and the radiation emitted by the bulbs is dispersed easier and focus on reaching the radiation is not obtained required to bring the seawater evaporation state, this additional parameter is also the distance between the energy source and the energy system due concentrates easier or hard depending on the distance.

Likewise we still need evidence to get concrete results on the feasibility of the project  and so far we are starting and the idea is to have a viable and reliable but above developable not only to get a graduation project but to help and provide drinking water to the people in the rural areas of Colombia where obtaining that resource is virtually impossible.


Nataly Tatiana Agudelo Gonzalez (Libre University - Bogotá Colombia)

Yurani Andrea Gutiérrez Zona (Libre University - Bogotá Colombia)

Andres Felipe Olaya SAnchez (Libre University - Bogotá Colombia)

Andres Felipe Sastoque Dávila (Libre University - Bogotá Colombia)

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