349438 Generalized Laguerre Reduction of the Volterra Kernel for Practical Identification of a MIMO System

Tuesday, April 1, 2014: 4:00 PM
Elmwood (Hilton New Orleans Riverside)
Brett Israelsen and Dale Smith, APCO Inc., North Salt Lake, UT

The Volterra series can be used to model a large subset of nonlinear, dynamic systems. A major

drawback is the number of coefficients required model such systems. In order to reduce the number of

required coefficients, Laguerre polynomials are used to estimate the Volterra kernels. Existing literature

proposes algorithms for a fixed number of Volterra kernels, and Laguerre series. This paper presents a

novel algorithm for generalized calculation of the finite order Volterra-Laguerre (VL) series for a MIMO

system. An example addresses the utility of the algorithm in practical application.

Extended Abstract: File Uploaded
See more of this Session: Advanced Process Control and Optimization
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical 7: 17th Topical on Refinery Processing