96 Practical Approaches for Improving PSM Performance II

Tuesday, April 30, 2013: 3:30 PM
Street Level 103B (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
PSM has been implemented at most companies for many years, so the continuing challenge is to sustain and improve performance to increase PSM program effectiveness and to prevent serious injuries and incidents. This session is seeking papers related to PSM problems and practical solutions that impact PSM program performance, including continuous improvement of leadership practices, process safety culture, PSM systems, operational discipline, PSM resource effectiveness, risk reduction, etc., based on leading and lagging metrics, key incident learnings, new technology, and other topics. Papers related to the future of process safety performance, such as important trends, new challenges, greatest opportunities, and new professional capabilities that need to be developed, are also encouraged.

15th Process Plant Safety Symposium (PPSS)
Manufacturing for the 21st Century (T3)

Seshu Dharmavaram
Email: seshu.dharmavaram@usa.dupont.com

Chad Schaffer
Email: cschaffer@burnsmcd.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
3:30 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety