130 Joint EPC/Distillation Session: Distillation in Olefins Plants

Wednesday, May 1, 2013: 2:00 PM
Lone Star D/E (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
Joint session - distillation/EPC

Topical 4: The 25th Ethylene Producers’ Conference
Topical 8: Distillation Topical Conference (T8)

Henry Z. Kister
Email: henry.kister@fluor.com

Timothy M. Zygula
Email: Timothy.Zygula@BASF.Com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
2:05 PM
(130a) Olefin-Paraffin Separation by Reversible Reactive Distillation (RRD)
Steven Schon, Hang Kuen Lau, Aye Aye Min, Merlin Thomas and Laura Wu
File available
2:30 PM
(130b) Advancements in C2 Recovery Distillation
P. Thomas Scott, Michael J. Tallman and Yong Li Ma

3:20 PM
File available
3:35 PM
(130d) Large Diameter Tray Design – Challenges and Solutions
Kevin Brandner, Robert Miller and Kevin Richardson