19 Using Leading Indicators as a Recipe For Success - Industry Practices From Incidents and Near Misses

Monday, April 29, 2013: 1:30 PM
River Level 001B (Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center)
The approach of identifying and tracking Process Safety leading indicators and then measuring an organization’s performance against those leading indicators over time is becoming widely recognized as a means to drive improved Process Safety performance proactively. With the publication of “Guidelines for Risk Based Process Safety” in 2007 and “Guidelines for Process Safety Metrics” in 2009, industry consensus guidance has been available for several years on how to successfully implement such a program. This session includes papers on Industry Practices with Leading Indicators.

28th Center for Chemical Process Safety International Conference (CCPS)

John W. Champion
Email: johnwchampion@dow.com

Thane Russey
Email: Thane.Russey@gmail.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

2:00 PM
(19b) Role of Leading Indicators in Prevention of Major Accidents: CSB Learnings From BP Texas City and Deepwater Horizon
Kelly Wilson, Donald Holmstrom, Cheryl MacKenzie, Marybeth Mulcahy, Kara Kane, Jerad Denton, Chris Lyon, Bill Hoyle and Steve Cutchen
See more of this Group/Topical: Global Congress on Process Safety