127 Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization Routes to Produce Chemicals

Wednesday, May 1, 2013: 1:30 PM
Presidio B (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
Energy challenges in the area of carbon capture, and storage, as well as recent developments in converting CO2 to valuable chemicals. Papers presented in this session are eligible for the TEP Division best paper award.

Topical Five: Emerging Technologies in Clean Energy for the Twenty-First Century
Sustainable Engineering Forum (23), Transport and Energy Processes (07)

V.K Mathur
Email: vkm@cisunix.unh.edu

Corina Mihut
Email: cmihut@americas.sabic.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
1:30 PM
(127a) Ceramic and Coal: ITM Oxygen for Power Generation with Reduced CO2-Emissions, Detailed Engineering Study Results
John M. Repasky, VanEric E. Stein, Phillip A. Armstrong, Merrill S. Quintrell, Andrew Maxson and L. Michael Bartone