92 Ethylene Plant Feedstock Impurities Session

Tuesday, April 30, 2013: 2:00 PM
Lone Star D/E (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
The Feedstock Impurities Subcommittee session papers will discuss issues dealing with impurities and the impact on the ethylene production unit.

Topical 4: The 25th Ethylene Producers’ Conference

Mark Brayden
Email: mbrayden@dow.com

Joe Lally
Email: joe.lally@evonik.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
2:05 PM
(92a) The Challenge of Primary Fractionators on NGL Feed
Andre Bernard, Feridoun Fahiminia and Grace Kim
File available
2:30 PM
(92b) The Identification of Butadiene Popcorn Polymer
Stefan Korf, Steffen Seifert and Mark Brayden

2:55 PM
File available
3:40 PM
(92d) Process Water Treatment in Ethylene Plants
Miguel Maldonado and Thomas Pickett

4:15 PM