109 Pilot Plants Separations

Wednesday, May 1, 2013: 8:00 AM
Bonham C (Grand Hyatt San Antonio)
Seperations in pilot plant are an important, integral, and most often critical part of the process plants operation. In this session we will explore best practices in design, testing, piloting and opration of separation technologies.

Pilot Plants
Separations Division (02)

Pankaj S. Gautam
Email: pankaj.gautam@sabic-ip.com

David C. Attride
Email: dattride@eastman.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

8:00 AM

8:35 AM
(109b) Reactive Distillation Using External Side Reactors for Synthesis of Bio-Renewable Organic Acid Esters
Aspi K. Kolah, Carl T. Lira, Dennis J. Miller, John C. Prindle and Chandrakant B. Panchal

9:35 AM

10:00 AM
(109d) Development of a Standardized Method for Mass Transfer Measurements in Absorption and Desorption
Anna-Katharina Kunze, Philip Lutze, Manuela Kopatschek, Stephan Mueller, Marcus Gruenewald and Andrzej Górak
See more of this Group/Topical: Process Development Division